Wednesday, January 20, 2016

From the Nurses' Office

This is the time of year that everyone becomes more aware of the dreaded louse. Actually lice have been around for centuries and this year is no different. Lice only need a warm scalp and food supply--they are indiscriminate in where they take up housing; it is not related to hygiene in any way!

There are several things a parent can do to stay ahead of lice:
  • Encourage your child not to share head items such as hats, brushes, ponytail ties etc.
  • Inspect your child’s head on a regular basis especially if he complains that his head or neck itch.
  • Look for tiny eggs close to the scalp (resemble sesame seeds but much smaller). They are usually tanish, and difficult to dislodge, unlike dandruff.
  • Eggs that have hatched are white (empty cases).
  • Live lice are wingless insects about the size of a sesame seed and appear reddish brown or grayish brown. If they are alive they move quickly when strands of hair are separated.
  • If you find lice, treat only that family member but check the rest of the family
  • If your child has been at a sleepover or a recent play date please inform that child’s family so that they can pay attention to that child’s hair.

Lice are a nuisance (a big one for families) but they do not present a risk to others. They do not carry disease and are not commonly contracted at school. We do not exclude kids from school for lice or nits. This is in accordance with American Academy of Pediatrics, the Vermont Department of Health and The Harvard School of Public Health recommendations. However, if we find lice or nits in your child’s hair we will contact you from school.

Please call the nurses if you have concerns about your child and lice. We would be happy to check your child’s hair upon your request or the child’s request. We can share evidence-based information on the identification and treatment of lice along with a head re-check after treatment. We are happy to do a head check on your student before or after treatments if requested. Thank-you for your cooperation on this matter.

~Tina Gallagher, RN
~Ainee Commichau, RN

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